4bbbd60035 Lisa LeBlanc, Sep 27 8:00PM . Lisa LeBlanc. Advance: $15. Door: $20. 18+. See Tickets. . country shitkicker Lisa LeBlanc is showing off that nominated album Wh . SOCAN member Lisa Leblanc is the 2013 winner . LeBlancs certified gold album is now . She will officially receive her award as part of the 20 th annual . Lisa LeBlanc Elke. Mercury Lounge. 217 E Houston St. . and her upcoming mini-album Highways, . (arranged by Lisa) . Lisa LeBlanc Why You Wanna Leave, Runaway Queen? Bon Sound Lisa LeBlanc is the friend who gives you honest advice about dealing with your lame boyfriend and talking about life, but instead In Quebec, Lisa LeBlanc is already a known quantity, having had laudable success on her self-titled debut album.
Lisa Leblanc Album 20
Updated: Nov 23, 2020